
Skin glow face pack

  With increased amounts of pollutants in the environment comes the adverse health effects. Pollution affects our body in many different ways and our skin suffers very badly from it. One of the most important issues in skin damage, associated with pollution is the condition of dull skin. The natural glow of our skin is getting hampered by many environmental pollutants, including sun rays and toxic gases, which damages the skin cells. This causes skin to get dull and appear glow less. The solution to this is our best skin glow face pack, which protects your skin from the dangerous toxic pollutants and sunlight by creating extra layers that prevent pollutants to get access to your skin. This prevents the damage of the skin cells with perfection and helps to maintain the natural glow of your skin. Our face pack is full of natural compounds which are proven to be effective in glowing skin, such as extracts of citrous fruits, tomatoes, turmeric, neem, mint, basil, cucumber, papaya, almond,

Sunscreen for oily skin

  Oily skin is probably the most common reason of all of the skin related problems. It causes problems which are often severe if left untreated. The reason of these is mainly due to accumulation of oil in the skin, which after mixing with sebum, and dead skin cells, clogs the skin pores and follicles, resulting in formation of pimples and acne. People with oily skin produces much more sebum compared to others due to reasons like hormonal levels, and genetic causes, and they suffer more in this regard. Lifestyle habits are also the reason of increased sebum production. Intake of oily food, and consuming less water causes damage to the skin. The hormone cortisol regulates the oil production in our body and this hormone needs to be properly regulated in order to stop the excess oil production. Stress is an important factor which can regulate cortisol levels, and therefore plays an important role in oil production by the glands, present in the skin, and hence, governs the formation of pimp

Vitamin C serum

  Vitamin C, which is chemically known as ascorbic acid and ascorbate is regarded as one of the best solutions for skin related problems. Vitamin C helps in tissue repair, skin growth and hence is very much important to maintain healthy skin. Vitamin C promotes collagen production, which is important in skin development. It is one of the most potent antioxidants which helps in removal of free radicals that are harmful for the skin cells. It is present mostly in citrous fruits such as lemons and oranges and therefore those are prescribed for maintaining healthy skin.  Our day to day exposure to the sunlight and other environmental pollutants affects our skin in a very bad way, causing several skin related problems. These are important to taken care of, otherwise can have serious complications. Skin cell damage by pollutants cause skin tissue damage and therefore treating them requires vitamin C. Skin problems like cracks and bruises or skin inflammation can be treated by applying body s

SPF 30 sunscreen

  One of the potent threats to the skin are the harmful rays of the sunlight, which inserts inside the body through the skin and cause damage. These issues need to be taken care of to ensure good health. One of the most beneficial protection is the use of anti-pollution sunscreen products, which protects your skin, as well as your health, both from the pollutants and the harmful sun rays. Sunscreens protects you from many adverse effects of the environment and makes you ready to face the daily challenges thrown to you by the atmosphere without any damage. The effectivity of sunscreens depends on the sun protection factor (SPF) available on it. The higher the sun protection factor, the longer it will last and provide the benefit. The Detoxie provides you the best anti-pollution sunscreen in terms of longevity and protection. SPF or the sun protection factor is the measure of the amount of time taken by the sun light or more specifically the ultra violet rays to cause irradiation to the

Vitamin C serum for face

  With each passing day, we cannot help but face increased amounts of pollutants in our daily life. These pollutants are harmful and carries the potential to damage our body if the dose becomes sufficiently high or the exposure is for a longer time. Our skin is maximally exposed to these pollutants, especially our face, and therefore, the maximum damage happens in our skin. The skin cells face several kinds of stress like inflammation, bruises, and wrinkles, making the skin appear older and aged. This requires treatment and vitamin C is the most potent agent to fight against the problems related to skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces the generation of free radicals, which cause inflammation, thereby cause damage to the skin tissues. Vitamin C nullifies the adverse effects of UV rays that also cause harm to your skin. Presence of compounds in the environment, which can cause skin irritation, or the skin irritants also cause damage to the facial skin. The combined effects of a

Detoxie Anti-pollution Sunscreen

  As increasing pollution, rate of global warming has increased which has led to increase in ozone layer depletion due to which harmful UV radiation has affected earth in many ways. What is sunscreen used for? To avoid the UV radiation to affect our skin cells and damage them, sunscreens are used which protect the skin from the radiation for longer time and keep it hydrated.   What are the causes if sunscreen not used? Many skin related diseases occurs if sunscreens are not used if you work in the sunny environment for longer time. It can also cause skin cancer if ignored for longer time. Which type of anti-pollution sunscreen to used? Detoxie Sunscreen that contains SPF in it is highly recommended. As SPF is the substance that protects the skin cells by creating the shield over it to get rid of harmful rays from sun. Different types of SPF scale are available to choose

Detoxie Anti-Pollution Day Cream

  Due to increase in pollution, skin has become more and more dry and dull because of harmful smoke and gases prevailing into the atmosphere. Using of day cream helps the skin to restore its dead skin cells to glow up.   What is anti-pollution day cream? Day cream offers tough protection from pollution and UV-radiation while being gentle on your skin. It has non-greasy substance that forms a shield to protect against dirt, pollution and sun. Can anti-pollution cream use daily? It is suitable for use on daily basis and it is available for all types of skin. Thus, in order to protect the skin from pollution and UV rays using Detoxie anti-pollution day cream every day is useful. Is it suitable to used Anti-pollution day cream for Oily Skin? If your skin is oily and couldn’t resist creams, Anti-pollution day cream are safer to use as it has non-greasy particles and anti-oxidant. Thus, it will not affect your

Detoxie Anti-acne creams

  Ance is one of the most common problems found in the age group of teenagers. This has created a lot of problems related to skin. It causes pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. To overcome this acne many types of skincare products are available that helps to cure acne. What is the cause of acne? Acne can be caused by many reasons some of them are; if you have excessive oil on your face or also due to inflammation. There are some conditions that can worsen acne like stress, hormonal changes and also due to certain medication. What can be done to stop acne outbreak? To stop acne from getting worsen you should follow some steps on daily basis like wash your face regularly, stay hydrated, don’t touch your face unnecessarily, do some meditation that can help you reduce stress.   Why anti-acne cream used? Sometimes if acne doesn’t stop by natural ways, in order to stop it from getting worse use of

Detoxie Matcha Skincare

  Skincare is given the less attention in recent times as everyone is busy with their work, due to which skin disease has increased a lot due to increase in stress and pollution. Many skincare products are available which helps to recover your dry and dull skin to glow up. What is Matcha? Matcha is powered green tea leaves. Matcha Leaves are grown on green tea bushes and kept under shade. These leaves are different than other regular green tea as the leaves is whisked in hot water.   Is Matcha harmful for skin? As Matcha is a grown naturally and without the usage of chemicals. Thus, Matcha does not harm your skin and also has antioxidant power which helps to reduce skin related problems. Also, it is suitable for all types of skins. And helps your skin to glow up without creating any harm to your skin. Which Matcha skincare products useful? There are many skincare products available in market, using matcha containing products are recommended as

Detoxie Matcha Beauty Product

  Beauty products are most commonly used in recent times due to increase in pollution and stress caring of skin has become very less. Thus, in order to keep our skin, moisturize and nourish beauty product plays an important role. What is Matcha? Matcha is powered green tea leaves. Matcha Leaves are grown on green tea bushes and kept under shade. These leaves are different than other regular green tea as the leaves is whisked in hot water.   Do Matcha have any side effects? Matcha does not have a lot much of side effects if it consumed in moderation, but if it taken in high dose in large amount it may cause insomnia, headaches, irritability. Is Matcha good for face? Matcha powder is beneficial for all types of skins. As it has anti-inflammatory properties that helps us to reduce redness associated with chronic skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. It also makes your skin to glow up. Which types of matcha beauty products available? Matcha beau